ULTIMATE CONVENIENCE: Your steaming session made easy with a removable 51 oz water tank and an anti-calc function for an easy maintenance.
FAST & EFFICIENT: Power your way to smooth garments with a robust 1500W steamer, delivering 30 g/min of continuous steam. Get out the door looking your best in no time with our 45-second rapid heat-up feature.
EFFORTLESS PROFESSIONAL RESULTS: This Steamer for clothes allows you to experience flawless, one-handed steaming with our patented Steam & Press vertical support system, designed to provide the perfect resistance for unmatched steaming results.
ADAPT TO YOUR FABRIC: This Clothes steamer is equipped with 3 adjustable steam settings and a thick textile brush which helps you to adapt the steaming to your garment care needs.
Efficient distribution of steam: The XL Delta Steam Head combines speed and accuracy to effectively remove wrinkles from hard-to-reach areas, keeping your fabrics clean and fresh.